Volunteer Application

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Best Time to Contact a.m.p.m.

Best Time to Contact a.m.p.m.
Please Select Your Property

Kensington VillageEarls Court VillageSaugeen Valley NursingBonnie BraeTyndall Nursing HomesStrathcona Seniors Condos

Preferred Times Available

Preferred Volunteer Activity
Recreation and Leisure ProgramSpecial EventsFriendship/BuddyNutritionOther

I will commit to:8 Months1 Year Other :

Authorization and Release

Any information received during my volunteer period concerning the personal, financial or other private affairs of the consumer(s) of Sharon Village Care Homes will be treated by me in strict confidence and will not be divulged.

I also understand that the information that I have provided in this Volunteer Application will be verified by Sharon Village Care Homes. I hereby grant permission to Sharon Village Care Homes to contact any persons who might be able to verify the information.

The confidential information on this form is collected under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.7 and will be maintained on file. This information will be used for volunteer program planning purposes.